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306 NW. 84th St.

Seattle WA. 98117

(206) 781-9790

Fax: (206) 297-2810


Reg. # Beautbi933ka

Ubi # 602-702-082

Tin # 20-8446629

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What are your business hours?

We are open 7 days a week from 10:00 Pm to 4:00 pm by appointment. Please schedule your preferred appointment day and time before arrival. You may call
(206) 781-9790 — or email us at
Do you sell bamboo in pots?
Yes. A mix of 600 different containers in 3-gallon, 5-gallon, 10-gallon, 15-gallon, and 25 gallon sizes. The bigger the pot size, the taller the bamboo.
Do you consult?

Yes. Our consultation fee is $250.00 depending on location. A free bamboo work estimate will follow within 2 to 4 days.

Do you deliver bamboo?

Yes. Delivery fees range from $100.00 to $200.00 depending on your location. We will deliver and unload to your driveway. Transporting to back yards, up or down steep stairs, or up elevators will incur a small placement fee.

Do you have a display garden at the nursery?

Yes. Currently we have 10 bamboo root barrier installations at our nursery. They contain separate plantings of (P. nigra), (S. fastuosa 'Viridis'), (P. nigra), (P. a. aureocaulis), (P. a. Spectabilis), (P. vivax aureocaulis), (F. scabrida), (Fargesia robusta), (P. bissetii), and (p. aurea). In the bamboo garden out front we plant bamboo that we crop rotate every two years.

Is bamboo cold hardy?

Yes. All varieties we carry are cold hardy. Most plants we sell are hardy to five degrees, some to minus 20.

What's the difference between a clumper and a runner?

A clumper will not spread as fast as a runner. We advise installing plastic root barrier around all clumping or running bamboo. Especially if you're working with a small city lot, a busy planting area, or a property line.

What is the best time to plant bamboo?

Usually February through June. If plants are well established and fairly root bound in their pot, you may take them out and plant in your garden anytime! Planting after the last frost is a good rule of thumb.

Should I install plastic root barrier before planting bamboo?

Installing root barrier before you plant bamboo makes sense. This way you don't have to deal with it after bamboo plants grow larger and become more difficult to work around. I always advise installing a root barrier where property lines meet. Be friendly to your neighbors.

How fast will bamboo grow?

As weather becomes warmer in spring and summer months, new shoots emerge and grow four to six inches a day! In 4 to 6 weeks they top out at their maximum height for that summer. Each summer new shoots come up fatter and taller than the previous year. In ideal growing conditions new shoots may double in number each year.

Can I eat my bamboo shoots?

Yes. All bamboo shoots are edible. As long as pesticides are not used, they are safe to eat. Cut down new shoots when young and tender. New shoots shorter than 5 inches are prime for harvesting.

How often should I water bamboo?

Bamboo planted in your garden should be watered once every 5 to 7 days. As temperatures increase above 75 degrees, water more often. Once plants become more established you may water less. If leaves appear to be curled like a rolled up cigarette, water immediately!

Will bamboo grow well indoors?

Yes. But i do not personally grow bamboo indoors. If I did, I would position plants close to south facing windows. Expect 20 to 30 percent leaf drop as plants adjust to indoor climate. Allow water in plastic catch dish to evaporate within 24 to 48 hours before watering again. Remember bamboo is a grass like your lawn, we don't want standing water robbing roots of oxygen. Give us a call and ask which varieties grow best indoors. Keep in mind we do not guarantee bamboo grown indoors.

Do you guarantee your bamboo plants?

After customers purchase bamboo from our nursery, it is up to them to care for it. We will not guarantee any bamboo grown indoors. We will not take back dead plants of any kind! Plants you return, must be in same excellent condition as when you purchased. We will gladly exchange what ever plant you bring back ( within 3 months of purchase ) for same plant value. (No refunds, just exchanges). You must present your original receipt of purchase before we exchange your bamboo. We cannot and will not guarantee any bamboo plants that flower and die. We research a master list that contains names of bamboos that are currently flowering. If a bamboo variety is in full bloom, we pull that variety from our inventory immediately!


Where do I plant bamboo in my garden?

Plant anywhere you want. But keep away from areas where standing water may exist. Don't plant next to existing bamboo that may be infected with bamboo mites. Stay clear from fire pit areas. Use root barrier if planting next to a property line! Being a bamboo gardener, i always advise my customers to be neighborly when planting bamboo.

What if my plants have bamboo mites?

Don't worry, bamboo mites will not kill your bamboo. Most all bamboo groves eventually acquire these pesky creatures. Keeping them under control is a task. Irradicating them is almost impossible. Bamboo mites become very active in hot summer weather. Go to web-site tab that says (About Bamboo) and see photo of bamboo mite leaf damage. If your plants do have bamboo mites, give us a call. We offer organic and non-organic solutions for insect control. 206-781-9790

Should we amend soil before planting?

If your planting area contains hard compact soil it's a good idea to turn soil with a shovel before planting. Loose soil allows under ground rhizomes freedom to spread faster. If you do amend your soil, try Cedar Grove Compost, or use your homemade compost. Bamboo likes a slightly acid soil.

Should I apply a top dressing or mulch to my newly planted bamboo?

We top dress all freshly potted bamboo plants with one inch fine bark mulch. This helps slow down weed growth and helps retain moisture in soil. Remember, placing to much soil on top of plant crown may cut off oxygen supply to roots. Roots require oxygen for life. Don't cover crown with extra soil. One inch fine bark mulch is fine.

How far apart should I plant each bamboo?

Running types every 3 to 5 feet apart. Clumping bamboo varieties typically 2 to 3 feet apart, depending on plant pot size. Typically a (5-gallon size container) of bamboo will grow into a 4 to 5 foot diameter circle within 4 to 8 years!

Should I stake my bamboo after planting?

After planting we always stake plants over 15 feet tall. Six foot tall metal stakes purchased at Home Depot work well. We use three metal stakes for each tall clump of bamboo. Stakes and twine may be removed after three to eight months.

What about fertilizer?

We sell two pound bags of commercial grade slow release osmakote. It has a high nitrogen content 24-4-8. Most other brands last 3 to 4 months. The brand we sell lasts 8 to 9 months. Best applied February - April. Apply osmakote on top of soil. With ample watering, small pellets will release nitrogen, phosphrous, and potassium, turning leaves green and lush. Repeat every 8 to 9 months.

How do I maintain my grove of bamboo?

First cut out any dead brown bamboo canes. You may choose to thin out weaker wobbly canes too. "If necessary" cut every bamboo culm to the ground in Late April. Some people do this to rid their bamboo of bamboo mites. New shoots will emerge March through June, producing beautiful new culms with mite free leaves. Root prune once or twice a year as needed. This involves creating new space by digging out unwanted bamboo roots and rhizomes. Bamboo planted "without root barrier" should be root pruned at least once a year to stop rhizomes from spreading. Make a note on your calendar to root prune in September or October if no root barrier was installed around your bamboo.

What month is best for digging up and dividing bamboo?

February, March, April, and May. If dividing in April be careful not to damage emerging small new shoots. After digging up your clump, water roots and rhizomes with garden hose. Now divide your clump with a saw, ax, or other cutting implement. Quickly plant. Water again.

Should I rake up and throw bamboo leaves away?

Only if you want to. Leaves will rot and add nitrogen to soil. Large groves of bamboo rely on rotting leaves for nutrients.

Can I plant different types of bamboo next to each other?

This totally depends on how close you need to plant them together. Taller growing bamboos may create too much shade for shorter bamboos. Rhizomes of running bamboo may dominate rhizomes of clumping varieties. If you're planting bamboos close together at least stick with the same genus. For instance planting (P. aurea ) bamboo with (P. nigra) is ok. Planting (F. robusta) near (F. dracocephala 'Rufa') is ok. Keep in mind maximum height each variety will grow. Contact us if you have questions. 206-781-9790

What bamboo varieties grow best in shade?

(F. denudata), (F. nitida), (F. nitida 'Jiuzhaigou'), (F. murielae), (F. apicirubens 'White Dragon'), (T. crassinodus), (T. crassinodus 'Kew Beauty'), (T. crassinodus 'Merlyn'), (Qiongzhuea tumidissinoda), all require some shade. I tell my customers, " You may plant a "full sun loving bamboo" in the shade, but don't plant a shade loving bamboo in the full sun".

Does bamboo shed its leaves?

Yes, some leaves turn yellow and fall to the ground. This periodically happens during early spring, mid summer, and fall. At the same time old leaves are falling, fresh new leaves replace them, once again bringing your plant back to its full beauty. As a landscape show piece or privacy provider bamboo remains a green screen year round. Bamboo is evergreen.

How do i know if my bamboo is flowering?

Depending on genus, this flowering process happens every 20 to 100 years! You may notice branch tips on your bamboo becoming more swollen. Eventually you will see pollen tassels maturing and hanging from the ends of those branches. If you shake the branch, pollen will fall to the ground. Yes, unfortunately your bamboo is flowering. If your plant is in "full bloom" it may be towards the end of its life cycle. After the first full bloom, bamboo may flower another 3 or 4 years before dying. Flowering effects the same variety of bamboo growing around the world. It may take years before that variety all dies out. If the fallen seed isn't eaten by birds or rodents, they will grow into new plants. Now the 20 to 100 year cycle starts all over again from a new seeding! Due to the nature of how often bamboo flowers, we cannot guarantee our plant material from death due to flowering. We do our best to keep current by studying a master list of bamboo species that have flowered in the past. As soon as we hear about a possible flowering we usually pull that variety from our inventory.

Why should I buy a rare bamboo?

You don't need to. Usually a bamboo collector will purchase rare bamboo. Keep in mind rare bamboo varieties are much more expensive than common varieties. We are currently cultivating several varieties that are rare. Please call 206-781-9790 for rare bamboo availability.